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Our Pre-School

Welcome to Pre-School

Our Pre-School is a school run setting striving to give your child the best start in their school life. It provides an Early Years Provision for children from the age 2 years old.  We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum and adopt a child-led approach to learning.  We have dedicated indoor and outdoor spaces that promote children’s learning through play, along with an experienced early years team.  This is the perfect environment for your child to take their first steps into education.  Each child has a dedicated key worker to help support their development.  This is important as it helps build nurturing relationships that promote our school values.  Our aim is for children to leave us with independence, compassion and a love for learning.

If you would like to know more about the Early Years Foundation stage, Early years foundation stage

Our sessions

Mornings       9:15am -12:15pm (including lunch time)

Afternoons    12:15pm - 3:15pm

  • We also offer an additional 30 minutes session for children to be able to start from 8:45am

  • If your child attends the morning session, you have the option of adding a school meal (or sending them with a packed lunch).

  • Before And After school club is also available (from 7:30am and up until 6pm) should you require this.

We promote a regular pattern of attendance such as all morning or all afternoons, full days at the beginning of the week, or full days at the end of the week, or full time. This creates more stability for the children, as well as being more effective at promoting a child's personal, social and emotional development. Following this, adhoc sessions maybe offered depending on availability.

Parents can use their 15 hours or 30 hours funding entitlements as well as pay for an additional sessions on top of this if required.  To find out of you are entitled to this please follow the link below:-

Childcare you can get help paying for ('approved childcare')

Pre School Fees 

The hourly rates below apply for parents who want their child to attend more than the funded hours.

Children who are 3 or 4 years:        £5.50 

Children who are 2 years:                £7.20

From 1st April 2025 the hourly rates will increase to:

Children who are 3 or 4 years:        £6.00

Children who are 2 years:                £7.90

The charge for the additional half hour (from 8.45am - 9.15am)

Children who are 3 or 4 years:        £2.75

Children who are 2 years:               £3.60

From 1st April 2025 the additional half hour (from 8.45am - 9.15am) will increase to:

Children who are 3 or 4 years:        £3.00

Children who are 2 years:               £3.95

School meals are £2.30 per day

Snack is provided for both daily sessions and the cost of this is 30p per session. 

If you would like to find out more or enquire about sessions available please please contact Miss Sue Brooke by email or phone 01274 676246.  Please also see our admissions page for our Pre-school admissions policy.

Take a look at our class page to find out more about our pre-school.